Embention launches “Veronte Cloud” – a UTM system based on shared autopilot data

Spanish drone software company Embention  (https://www.embention.com/en/news/utm-drone-integration-in-controlled-airspace/?_mrMailingList=118&_mrSubscriber=6421&utm_source=mailing118&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Veronte+Autopilot+as+the+core+for+UTM+integration) has announced the launch of “Veronte Cloud”, an internet based database were autopilots can share position and other data in the real time.

This new application, combined with the recently developed 4G communications module, creates some of the key technology blocks for a UTM system based on the company’s Veronte Autopilot technology.

Veronte Autopilot is a miniaturized avionics system for advanced control of unmanned systems. This control system embeds a suite of sensors and processors together with LOS and BLOS M2M datalink radio, all with reduced size and weight.

“New technologies and progress achieved in drone communications are defining the path for UTM development,” says the company. “Some visionaries see new UTM services as a global network of interconnected online databases talking a common language. There, air traffic data (aircraft position, flight plans, geo-fencing areas…) is stored and updated in the real time, permitting UAV operators to have real time air-traffic information. All this is feed by real time data sharing of drone and manned aircraft position. New transponder and radar technology also permits UAVs to monitor surrounding aircraft and obstacle position. Permitting to share this information in an extended collaborative airspace. Autopilots or control systems are concentrators of all air-traffic information available in the area: transponder data, obstacle detection, own position… playing a significant role for UTM integration.”


Veronte Autopilot features a “Plug ´n Fly£ control system which allows autonomous control capabilities to any unmanned system. According to the company it is fully configurable; features user selectable automatic actions; has an embedded datalink for system monitoring and telecommands, carries external sensors to support magnetometer, radar, LIDAR, RPM, temperature, fuel level, battery level, weather measurements, along with a transponder, secondary radios, satcom transceivers, camera gimbals, motor drivers, photo cameras, flares, parachute release systems, tracking antennas, pass through RS232 & CAN tunnel.

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