Sponsor and advertise

We help our sponsors and advertisers accelerate their business in dynamic ways

Since 2017 Unmanned Airspace has been the world’s only dedicated news and analysis portal for governments and military agencies looking to secure and manage the airspace above them in an age of drones and other autonomous air vehicles.

Statistics for Unmanned Airspace readership in June 2023

Our reach is global (readership figures above for the month of June 2023), averaging more than 50,000 story views a month, with occasional peaks of over 100,000, with a strong presence in the key equipment procurement centres of the world.

Our newsletter is sent weekly to 1,300 key decision makers who have opted to become subscribers, many of them senior government personnel with direct responsibility for purchasing.

We also have a growing audience of social media followers.

We work closely with our clients to find new and thoughtful ways to highlight their organisation’s capabilities to a global specialist audience in cost-effective, measured and targeted ways. We have solutions for every budget. For example:

  • We can develop sponsored editorial – profiling the company, personnel and capabilities. We publish interviews with senior executives, which can be hosted on our website for weeks or even months and used as part of a wider marketing and communications campaigns in other media.
  • We can enhance entries in our directories with additional highlighted text, images and links to videos and other company information.
  • We can ensure our client’s key marketing messages reach their targeted market precisely as planned. Advertisers on the www.unmannedairspace.info website are also given free advertising in our newsletter and in sister publications urbanairmobilitynews.com and globalairmobilitymarket.com if appropriate.

Niche, targeted communications in new, proactive formats

“We want to proactively work with our advertisers and sponsors to ensure their message is clearly delivered to their target audience. That means regularly reviewing demographic and numerical responses to sponsored editorial posts, for example, and changing text to adapt to potential new audiences. We will also support clients with webinars, events and other channels of communication, so their voices are clearly heard.”

“We can also help your business grow in other ways. We log sales and market opportunities of UTM and C-UAS equipment globally and in the public domain. As part of our specialist market consultancy capabilities we offer a horizon scanning service which identifies potential and actual market opportunities before they come to tender. We work with a global network of experts to analyse budgets for UTM and C-UAS spending plans. We can also analyse the market in terms of competition, industry/technology drivers and market potential of niche areas. We have helped many UTM and C-UAS companies develop their businesses in this way.

Philip Butterworth-Hayes, Editorial Director


Counter-UAS advertising and sponsorship benefits

Our counter-UAS coverage provides our global audience with unique insights and coverage

  • The Global C-UAS Industry Directory and Buyer’s Guide is a first port-of-call for the global counter-UAS community wanting to know more about the capabilities of C-UAS technology and services. Many procurement officials use the buyer’s guide as a key resource in their purchasing strategies – we often log more than 100 visits a day to the site.
  • Our news service, written by trained specialist journalists, provides the most up-to-date, reliable and independent view of new technologies and developing capabilities in this sector. We focus on military markets and the wider civil security sector – such as developments in UTM drone tracking and remote ID programmes. Our newsletters usually feature more than 40 items a month.
  • We support our clients in the development of white papers and events – providing them with editorial support and access to our global, niche audience.

Advertising rates for Unmanned Airspace website
Advertising rates for Unmanned Airspace website

UAS and space traffic management advertising and sponsorship benefits

  • Our news, analysis and commentary of UTM and space traffic management goes deeper and wider than any other publication. We have developed over six years close relationships with important partner organisations in this sector, such as the Global UTM Association, the Drone Logistics Ecosystem and the Advanced Air Mobility Institute.
  • Our global UTM market forecast provides subscribers with unique intelligence on this developing market. Advertisers and sponsors can access this report at a discounted rate.


Advertise on our home page

Advertising rates for Unmanned Airspace website

Enhance your content in our directories

Our counter UAS directory is free to all readers and industry suppliers, offering the world’s most comprehensive buyer’s guide to UTM and counter-UAS enabling technologies and procedures. They are among the most accessed pages of our site. For companies with products listed in the directories we are now offering a new promotional editorial package.

Advertising rates for Unmanned Airspace C-UAS directory

Advertise in our newsletter

Our Unmanned Airspace newsletter is sent to a growing number of subscribers worldwide, among them key decision makers in government and industry.

Advertising rates for Unmanned Airspace newsletter

Please include your own tracking code in your URL to monitor your campaign. We do not collect, track or monitor clients’ data, though we can provide demographic data and page views for sponsored editorial.

We are also interested in working with you in developing innovative and striking concepts in advertising and sponsorship to enhance your organisation’s profile and add to the reader appeal of our site. For more information on how we might work together please contact our commercial manager.


For counter UAS sponsorship and advertising

Sally Passey
Tel.: +44 7968 714280
Email: sally@bspmedia.com


For UTM and space traffic management sponsorship and advertising

Kay Rolland
Tel: +33 609 133 510
Email: kay.rolland@gmail.com