Dimetor (AirborneRF) and Sunrise collaborate with Swiss FOCA for a digital SORA

The Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) has selected Dimetor, the creator of AirborneRF, in collaboration with Sunrise GmbH to work in partnership on a project to operationalize a dynamic assessment of air & ground risk for drone operations to support and digitize SORA authorization in Switzerland. The project main goal is to leverage information available at mobile network operators systems in regard to dynamic airspace connectivity and population density for strategic and tactical risk assessment in an automated process.

“We see Switzerland as a fast moving and innovative country in the drone space. During the last couple of years, the Swiss FOCA was leading in Europe on drone related initiatives, such as remote ID and U-space.  We are extremely pleased to collaborate with Sunrise to develop together a solution to streamline and digitalize the SORA risk assessment process “says Thomas Wana, Co-founder and CTO at Dimetor, creator of AirborneRF.

“Sunrise, driving innovations also into the digital airspace is very proud to be part of this outstanding project, making future drone services not only safe, but a reality at scale in Switzerland” says Alexander Lehrmann, Director New Business Development and Innovation at Sunrise.

FOCA is responsible for aviation development and the supervision of civil aviation activities in Switzerland. The FOCA is part of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) and is charged with ensuring that the high safety standards in civil aviation in Switzerland are maintained, and with pursuing a policy of sustainable development.

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