NUAIR seeks industry partners for second stage New York state UTM trial

 UAV Vision publication reports that the  Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research (NUAIR) Alliance has announced the opening of the evaluation and selection process of vendor(s) for the design and installation of Phase II of its Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) test corridor.

The request for qualifications (RFQ) just released is the first step in the process.

“The NUAIR Alliance will identify the most qualified respondents to the RFQ, who will then be asked to submit a formal proposal,” says the publication. The RFQ period will remain open until November 30, 2017. The RFQ can be downloaded here. It quotes Larry Brinker, interim president and CEO of the NUAIR Alliance:   “We are actively seeking partners to help us execute the next phase of this leading BVLOS UTM research and testing corridor…We are looking for innovative and ambitious companies who can best advance our efforts to make Central New York and the Mohawk Valley a hub of this technology and create industry-leading solutions which will enable the safe integration of UAS platforms into the nation’s airspace.”

The BVLOS UTM Corridor will enable companies to test both UAS platforms and UTM technologies in real world settings, generating data that will inform and advance commercial use of drones. This second phase will complete the corridor which will enable testing of UAS platforms and sensors in the airspace between Rome and Syracuse. It builds on the recently launched Phase I of the corridor around Griffiss International Airport.

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