Fanni Lukácsy appointed new Secretary General of GUTMA

Fanni Lukácsy has been appointed as the new Secretary General of the Global UTM Association (GUTMA). Fanni Lukácsy has worked as one of the GUTMA management team members and has an MSc in Economics from Budapest (HU) and Sarajevo (BiH) universities in development economics, international relations, defense economics and EU integration.

In a LinkedIn post she said: “It is my pleasure and great honour to be elected as Secretary General of GUTMA. The first three years of the association were about enthusiastic growing and dreaming about the future. Now the future is here, we need to fulfill our dreams. GUTMA has earned its reputation in the UTM space, which we should materialise in bridging regulation and technology within the notion of interoperability and global harmonisation for the safe and efficient integration of drones in national airspace systems. The majority of the work is just yet to come, requiring strong focus and management on leadership level. I truly believe that we can drive GUTMA towards a prosperous future together. Join us in Portland for Connected Skies on June 18-20 to be part of the next season!”

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