Dedrone launches Drone Tracker 4 to give wider, deeper threat analysis

Dedrone has launched the fourth version of its Drone Tracker counter UAS system. According to a company blog: “DroneTracker 4 provides security teams meaningful, operational data to help take action against drone threats. New additions to DroneTracker include tools to help answer the following questions:

“What are the drone pilots targeting? New airspace analytics tools uncover patterns in drone activity in the airspace. Found on the reports page, the summary table displays the most important information about the timeframe analyzed.

“What areas need the most protection from drone threats?.. DroneTracker’s new alert heatmap gives a quick, visual overview of unauthorized drone activity in a broad area, and indicates locations of interest and hot spots.

“What is the nature of the threat? Whether it is contraband delivery, espionage or to disrupt operations, DroneTracker 4 provides a fine-grained analysis of drone activity by drone detection sensor and type and helps illustrate the threat at a given location…

“How can we track the history of our drone activity? Scheduled reporting automatically updates stakeholders about airspace activity, pointing out alerts by the hour and day of the week, without requiring to log in to the software. Flight date and time data, when produced through DroneTracker, immediately makes any unusual activity or patterns visible to the user. DroneTracker users can create new security protocols to ensure proper defensive resources are available to intercept drones at the times when their property is most vulnerable…Security providers can now identify clearly when there are unusual or concerning patterns on drone activity, for example, drones flying late at night or during key operational moments, such as when security staff switches their shifts.”

(Image: DroneTracker 4 automatically uncovers patterns in drone activity)

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