EUROCAE and Eurocontrol strengthen cooperation in aviation standards development

European aviation agencies Eurocae and Eurocontrol have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) which provides for greater mutual recognition of the role played by each organisation in the field of standards and contributes to greater complementarity between the two.

Standards are key enablers of aviation interoperability and harmonisation; they assist in demonstrating compliance with regulations, and support procurement by providing service providers and manufacturers with consistent requirements.

Eurocae Secretary General Christian Schleifer said: “Europe is moving towards an open architecture, capable of enabling a seamless, flexible and scalable provision of services in the digital European sky. Standards will play a critical role in supporting global interoperability and worldwide harmonisation, while showing compliance with a more performance based regulatory frame, enabling implementation of innovative solutions. This new arrangement will allow for greater synergies between EUROCONTROL and EUROCAE and enhanced collaboration in addressing the challenges ahead.”

EUROCONTROL relies on its in-house expertise and civil-military stakeholder consultation and working arrangements to develop aviation standards which are applied across ECAC States and beyond, and are recognised within the ICAO, EC and EASA frameworks. It also significantly contributes to EUROCAE’s standardisation efforts.

EUROCAE develops high-quality aviation standards, which are built upon the expertise of more than 3500 highly skilled experts nominated by EUROCAE´s 360 European and global members. EUROCAE standards are referenced by all major European and international regulators and are therefore actively contributing to a safe, efficient and sustainable aviation.

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