AiRXOS launches single source UTM platform for public safety agencies

Unmanned Air Traffic Management (ATM) solution provider AiRXOS has launched a platform designed for public safety agencies. The company’s Public Safety UAS Solution is a single source platform with safety and operational tools and services built-in that enables public safety agencies to fly with full situational awareness of manned and unmanned operations.

The solution provides customers practical operational tools and operational oversight, from digitizing agency workflows – streamlining compliance and flight authorization processes – to providing airspace advisories, video streaming, and situational awareness. The platform is available as both a mobile application and web-based solution and is designed to replace the need for multiple applications and flight authorizations, and to support airspace visibility and compliance tracking.

AiRXOS began rolling out the Public Safety UAS Solution earlier in the year in a pilot environment and currently has more than 200 US Public Safety agencies using the solution. Users include Los Angeles City Fire Department, Washington State Department of Transportation, and Larimer County, Colorado Sheriff’s Department, representing a cross-section of public safety agencies using UAS solutions. From highly urbanized cities, to county and state agencies, UAS is widely recognized as a strategy and a technology assisting public safety operations.

AiRXOS’ Public Safety UAS Solution brings together a set of capabilities that reside on AiRXOS’ Air Mobility Platform and include:

  • Waivers, exemptions, COAs, SGIs, LAANC;
  • Automated advisories;
  • Integrated video streaming and remote collaboration;
  • Command Centre; and
  • UAS programme design.

In addition to AiRXOS’ own solutions, the company also works with ecosystem partners’ KSI Data Sciences, Inc. and Airborne International Response Team (AIRT) to provide public safety agencies with integrated applications and services. AiRXOS additionally participates as a member of the National Sheriffs’ Association UAS Working Group established earlier this year to create a template that governs law enforcement’s use of UAS.

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