AirShare releases updated flight planning App for drone operations in New Zealand

AirShare, a subsidiary of Airways New Zealand, has released an updated version of the AirShare app which is available for download to help drone users to fly safely in New Zealand. AirShare 2.0 is designed for easier flight planning and provides quick access to airspace and landowner advisories. Other features include wind and weather information, live location broadcast to other drone users in the vicinity, and historical flight data. According to the company, only 30 minutes notice is required to receive automatic provisional authorisations in most of controlled airspace. This includes areas more than 4km from the controlled aerodrome for flights up to 400 ft, and up to 200ft in areas within 4km of an aerodrome if you are not operating on an aircraft approach path or an area where air traffic is commonly routed.

Users can log onto AirShare to see where they can fly, file a flight plan and more easily gain approvals. The app provides proximity and surveillance data that creates better situational awareness. Automated text alerts are sent for boundary infringements. AirShare is one of the building blocks that will support safe UAV management for New Zealand. Airways is also looking to systems that will ensure aerodrome safety and a trial of drone detection technologies at Auckland Airport is ongoing.

The AirShare app can be found in the Apple and Google Play app stores.

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