Indian government launches Digital Sky Platform to support drone operation and certification

India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has launched the first version of its Digital Sky Platform designed to support the regulation of drone operations and remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). Digital Sky has been a project in development for a few years and now can be accessed through an online web portal as the first step for RPAS operators to ensure compliant operations.  It helps users navigate exemptions and guidelines, manufacturers to apply for a Certificate of Compliance, and pilots to register and verify approval of their RPAS.

The Digital Sky platform is designed to make the experience as seamless as possible, taking the user through all the requirements to get airborne. ANRA Technologies partnered with DGCA to help develop the platform.

The platform follows close on the heels of publication of India’s new Unmanned Aircraft System Rules earlier this month which requires drone operators to apply for a permit and register before operating a drone weighing more than 250 gm.

According to the DGAC, the Central government or any organisation specifically authorised by the central government may establish Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) services in Indian airspace or any part thereof, if warranted by the nature and requirements of unmanned aircraft system operation. The UTM service provider shall submit a UTM system service manual, safety management system manual, training manual for management personnel, infrastructure document, and agreement of operations between UTM operator and air traffic service provider in close vicinity and agreed Standard Operating Procedure between them, along with the application.

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