US Air Force seeks help in counter-UAS laser research

The US Air Force Research Laboratory’s Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation Group (SDPE) is conducting market research as part of an upcoming experimentation demonstration using directed energy technology to counter unmanned aircraft systems (DE C-UAS). “SDPE is seeking information regarding the capability to provide a directed energy weapons system for targeting group 1 and group 2 unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) during a counter-UAS operation. The resulting information will be used to assist SDPE in determining possible candidate systems for an upcoming FY18 experiment. All proposed systems will be USAF Military safety certified and be capable of being operated by military personnel.

“This CRFI will compile and assess capabilities and maturity of technologies available today and in the near-term based on technology readiness levels (TRL). DE C-UAS operations will integrate with traditional Command and Control (C2) concepts and organizations and existing joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). DE C- UAS systems may employ a modular structure capable of interfacing with existing weapon system platforms and sensors to tailor configuration to tasking. Proposed systems must be robust and have integrated sensors used to find, fix, track, and target single and/or multiple UAS targets.

“Capabilities of interest include (but are not limited to): Battle Command and sensor systems that facilitate rapid detection, Identification and classification of UAS targets integrated with a system that can provide the capability to interdict, defeat or deny enemy use of UAS through the use of directed energy (high power microwaves and laser weapon systems).”

Tender number:  FA8650-17-S-9307

Tender deadline: 15 October, 2017

Issuing authority: Department of the Air Force

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