redUAS to develop C-UAS training for emergency responders via New Mexico Tech

redUAS (, a counter-UAS services, training and operations company, has been awarded a contract by New Mexico Tech to develop and deliver C-UAS training to  first responders, security and emergency management personnel around the world. New Mexico Tech’s offerings are geared toward preparing emergency first responders to better prevent and respond to terrorist incidents.

Associate Director of Training at NMT Joel Haley, said, “This training will help round out our preparedness offerings in an area we believe to be increasingly critical to first responders.”

redUAS is a joint venture between six veteran-owned and first responder-owned small businesses with unique first-hand knowledge of how drones are being employed for military operations, emergency services, and for homeland security. The company is made up of drone professionals with real-world counter-UAS experience who can help customers gain true understanding of the threat, and work with partners to develop employable C-UAS Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). redUAS includes: ABSI Defense, Avian, Atollo, Liberty Consulting Solutions, Company 6 UAS and Golden-Aero.

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