34 North Drones

Type of C-UAS


34 North Drones in October 2019 announced it had partnered with IDS North America to offer the NO-DRONE radar counter drone system for the civilian market. Previously used in military environments, the NO-DRONE radar detection system is designed to recognize small objects such as incoming mortar, artillery and rocket fire, and to detect, locate and track both fixed wing and rotorcraft UAVs, and small drones. The system provides full 360° coverage, day or night, as well as in adverse weather conditions. The system can be upgraded with an optional “slew to cue” EO/IR turret and an RF detector to enhance drone tracking and identification capabilities.

The NO-DRONE counter drone radar system utilizes a suite of EMC/EMI simulation tools for predictive assessment of possible interference between various radiating and receiving elements around the airport which models any potential interference with and from any existing navaids and comms equipment.

The partners have carried out demonstrations and tests at the China Lake Naval Air Weapon Station and internationally and the system has been installed at various airports and prisons. The NO-DRONE system is also available for rental with trained operators in a mobile platform for temporary use at facilities and events across the USA, and later, internationally for drone mitigation where permanent installation is not practical or needed.

D-Fend advert. Click for website