German drone market forecast to double in value by 2025

The German drone market will grow from 840 million euros to over 1.6 billion euros by 2025, which corresponds to an average annual growth rate of 14.5 percent, says a report by Drone Industry Insights commissioned by the Germany Unmanned Aviation Association (VUL), a joint initiative of the Germany Aviation Association and the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI).

The growth is primarily driven by the commercial market. The number of drones in Germany will increase to around 450,000 by 2025. While the growth in the area of ​​private use will continue to flatten, the number of commercially used drones will increase to 132,000. At the moment only one in nine drones is operated commercially in Germany; by 2025 it will be every third drone.

The size of the market is estimated at EUR840 million. About 88% of this is accounted for by the commercial sector (EUR783m). In an international comparison of drone markets, Germany takes fourth place after the US, China and Japan.

Private drone use has decreased 14.5% since 2019 and appears to be saturated. From 2020 to 2025, the number of private drones is expected to decrease by another 16% to 324,000 units.

Commercial drone use has increased significantly (18% since 2019). This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. From 2020 to 2025, the number of drones in commercial use is expected to increase by 200% to 132,000 units.

More than 14,000 people in Germany focus on drones in their job – that’s almost 4,000 more than in 2019. Since 2012, 423 million euros have been invested in German drone companies, 67 percent of them within the last two years. On average, the German drone companies are almost six years old and have around seventeen employees.

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