Xpotential 2018 news Consortiq launches Assuretech to guarantee compliance with drone rules

Consortiq is bringing together the tools to ensure that drone operators adhere to regulatory and insurance restrictions via a new concept called AssureTech. “The benefit to drone pilots is reassurance that they have documentation of compliance if needed; the benefit to risk management officers is that an approved and agreed-upon standard of factors has been inspected and verified as safe for flight,” says the company. “In order to safely operate their drones, pilots do not necessarily need to know all of the intrinsic regulatory details that aviation authorities implement; Consortiq AssureTech integrates the most recent relevant unmanned aviation vehicle rulings so compliance and safety are “assured.””

“The next ultimate aim that users have – routine beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) flight – requires that operators demonstrate to regulators that they are aware of the risk and can mitigate it where possible,” Paul Rigby, CEO of Consortiq, stated.

The UAV industry is working on the technology to enable BVLOS operations, including the development of unmanned traffic management systems (UTM), while regulators are concerned with ensuring that the skies are safe, based on proven concepts, procedures, and technologies.

According to Consortiq what is needed is a link between these two efforts that transitions the vision of BVLOS to a safe reality by assuring regulators that the emerging technologies implementation can be trusted.

“Risk can never be completely eliminated – all types of flight come with some risk – but it is necessary to mitigate this as much as possible from a safety perspective,” Rigby added. “By using AssureTech, users will have the assurance that they are not being negligent, and it will also facilitate an expansion of UAV capabilities to meet the needs of industry.”

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