US Chamber of Commerce outlines reservations over FAA remote drone ID proposals

Today, the U.S. Chamber along with 33 associations representing the aviation industry sent the attached letter on the FAA’s planned rulemaking on “Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems” to OMB, DOT, DOD, DOJ, and HHS as well as Senate Commerce and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committees. Read the full letter here.

The organisation is highlighting a number of key issues in the letter:

  • We urge the Administration to convene key federal agency stakeholders including the FAA, the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Justice to collaborate on publishing a rule on remote identification without further delay.
  • Given that the FAA projects the number of commercial and recreational UAS to more than double by 2022, it is imperative that we have a federal regulatory framework to detect and identify UAS.
  • In addition to addressing the safety and security risks, remote identification will unlock the benefits of advanced UAS operations that will allow for the United States to lead in developing innovative UAS applications such as delivery, surveying, filmmaking, and search and rescue


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