JARUS launches call for stakeholder views on air risk collision model

JARUS has announced the launch of the External Consultation for the “Annex G – Air Risk Collision Model” of the JARUS guidelines on Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA). Annex G is explanatory to the elements of the Air Risk Collision model in SORA 2.0. This Annex also provides rationale and justifications to the air risk collision model elements.

The Annex G information is not part of the SORA process but provides clarifications and substantiations to the elements in the air risk collision model.

“We invite all JARUS stakeholders to provide comments on the new proposed Annex G of the SORA. JARUS Working Group 4 (Detect and Avoid) has developed the “SORA Annex G” in close cooperation with the JARUS WG 6 (Safety & Risk Management) with the contribution of experts from several JARUS Member States,” says the organisation.

The External Consultation will be open until Friday 07 December 2018 at https://ost.eurocontrol.int/sites/rpas/ext_consultations/SitePages/Home.aspx

JARUS is a group of experts from 56 National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) and regional aviation safety organizations, as well as EASA and EUROCONTROL. JARUS aims to recommend a single set of technical, safety and operational requirements for the certification and the safe integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in airspace and at aerodrome.

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