RADA announces more orders for C-UAS radars

RADA Electronic Industries Ltd has announced the recent receipt of over USD12 million in new orders, in recent weeks.

Out of these, over USD5 million were orders for RADA’s software-defined radars for counter rocket artillery and mortar (C-RAM), counter UAV and short range air defence (SHORAD). The majority of these orders were from new and strategic defence organizations, and these orders represent initial orders with potential for much greater follow-on orders in the future. Portions of the orders were follow-ons from customers that have placed initial orders earlier this year.

Almost $7 million out of the $12 million, were follow-on orders for RADA’s legacy avionics, including avionics for UAVs, helicopters, digital video recorders, and ongoing maintenance orders for RADA’s wide installment base of core avionics for military platforms.

Dov Sella, RADA’s CEO, commented, “Our growth engine – the software defined radar business, is continuing to gain traction, with new strategic customers placing initial orders, representing great future potential. Furthermore, we are increasingly seeing that our new customers from earlier in the year are beginning to place repeat orders. I again emphasize that the market for our tactical radars is new and very much in the emerging phase, and we are witnessing it gaining accelerated momentum.”

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