ISO working group “agrees to proceed with developing UTM standards”

According to Roger Garbett, Chief Executive at Drone Major Group, quoted in sUAS News ( the Sixth Plenary of the ISO committee responsible for the development of Unmanned Air System (UAS) standards  has agreed to proceed with Part 3, which will specify the requirements for safe commercial UAS operations, and the work will now proceed to the Draft International Stage at date to be confirmed.

“The release of this document, which is eagerly awaited, will enable industry and the wider community to actively engage and comment to ensure that the final standard is robust and applicable,” writes Mr Garbett. “It was great to be present at the birth of a new Working Group which has been formed to develop international standards for UAS Traffic Management (UTM). This will group work closely with the existing groups focussed on the development of product and operational standards as well as external agencies to ensure that the UTM standards dovetail with existing standards on Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems and, in the future, Surface Traffic Management (STM) systems in order to establish the international standards for integrated airspace. If you wish to engage with this work, please contact your national standards body. If you don’t know who that is, please contact me.”

“An additional work item is also soon to be submitted to form a new project to develop international standards for UAS training & qualification. This project is being led by the UK and Japan delegations who will work together with experts from around the world to develop far reaching standards in this area.”

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