“ISO approves global requirement standard for UTM service providers” – Euro-USC Italia

Euro-USC Italia reports the International Organization for Standard (ISO) has just approved the standard ISO-2369-12 on the requirements for UAS traffic management (UTM) service providers. All members of SC 16 (UAS) voted in favour of the approval.

According to the organisation:

“This standard lists 30 different UTM services grouped into three categories: safety-critical, safety-related and  operation support.”

Filippo Tomasello, Project Leader for this standard and Senior Partner at EuroUSC Italia, said: “Safety of contemporary aviation is based on organisations. ISO 9001 is too generic for safety. ISO 23629-12 fills this gap for the UTM digital services. So far, the most comprehensive standardised list in the world.”

Masahide Okamoto, Convenor of WG4 in ISO TC 20/SC 16, added: “Standards for UASs with a very diverse stakeholder base in the private sector are being developed by ISO as a higher-level standard in terms of WTO compliance. This standard set out necessary and sufficient safety and quality requirements for the UTM service providers and it will be very important in the future as the flight density of UAS would increase.”

Euro-USC Italia said UTM service providers can now be certified through industry mechanisms. “These certificates, since based on an ISO standard will be valid worldwide. In addition, they may represent a credit towards aviation authorities. For more information to verify your compliance you may contact info@eurousc-italia.it”

In a Linkedin post Filippo Tomasello added:

“EC Regulation 2021/664 lists seven U-space services. This ISO 23629-12, lists 30 of them and, as any ISO standard, it wold apply worldwide. It may become a benchmark for organisations wishing to provide quality UTM services anywhere, even beyond the aviation regulations.”

(Image: Shutterstock)

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