FAA selects Thales to help simplify drone access to NAS

The Federal Aviation Administration has selected a small group of companies, including Thales, to support their effort to simplify the process for small UAS operators to comply with current US regulations and safely integrate their operations into the US National In the USA, Thales is supporting the incorporation of the FAA Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) concepts into the validation and workflow engine of ECOSystem UTM.  The solution is now connected to the FAA’s LAANC infrastructure and ready for validation/testing.

According to the company “The Thales ECOsystem UTM bridges the gap between safety and security requirements of authorities and operational needs of civil UAS users. The cloud-hosted, cyber-secured3 ECOsystem UTM application applies the rules and workflow defined for the FAA LAANC programme to individual planned UAS missions.”

Unveiled in 2017, ECOsystem UTM is a flexible platform designed to bridge the gap between the safety and security requirements of national & local authorities and the operational needs of civil UAS users.  The platform provides an automated means for UAS users to validate their mission against relevant regulations and conform to required authorization and notification processes.  ECOsystem is configurable to customer operational requirements, from a global cloud-hosted service, to a local single-facility deployment.

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