Erkelens Law table shows Poland and Croatia as leading early-adopters of U-space

According to a Linkedin post and table from Philippe Carous, an aviation lawyer with Brussels-based Erkelens Law, Poland and Croatia are leading the drive in Europe to implement U-space services, based Eurocontrol data (U-Space Implementation Monitoring Rep., Nov. 2020). France and Germany are third and fourth in the table. The visual above shows the gradual implementation in phases U2 (2021) of the 16 U-space services in Europe although several countries –  Austria, Cyprus, Switzerland, Malta, Romania, Italy and Bulgaria – have not been included in the review.

Poland’s lead is even more significant as the country has already complete two elements of U-space three “advanced services” – dynamic geo-fencing and collaborative interface with ATC (see below) – not scheduled for implementation until 2025.

For more information

(Image: U-2 Initial services 2021 status)

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