China – CAAC endorses mobile cellular networks for UTM operations

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has published a report which officially supports the use of mobile telephone networks for monitoring low-level drone operations.(

According to a 7 February CAAC press release:

“The Report on Low-altitude Networked UAV Flight Safety Tests…which was jointly developed by a number of technical entities under the guidance of CAAC, has been officially issued recently. The technical entities, by means of conducting technical tests on the networked UAV oversight project, have carried out an in-depth research on the effectiveness of cellular network in monitoring UAVs, which further verifies the technical feasibility of “monitoring low-altitude light and small UAVs through current cellular network” proposed by the International Telecommunication Union. Result of the report not only demonstrate China’s exploration into the frontier of low-altitude airspace, but also play a significant role in promoting rapid and healthy development of global UAV industry and boosting the new low-altitude digital industry.”

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