Singapore issues call for proposals to develop a UTM system

The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Ministry of Transport have issued a call for proposals to develop a UTM system for the country. See:

“The Call-for-Proposal (CFP) seeks to develop systems and technologies to enable the innovative and wide-ranging use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in Singapore’s urban environment. The Call will provide up to 50% funding for each successful proposal, with the funding amount capped at SD1.5 million for each project, to develop working prototypes to prove concept of the proposed solution. The CFP will focus on enabling the innovative use of UAS in Singapore’s urban environment

The Call-for-Proposal will be open between 3 November 2017 and 5 January 2018.

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According to background information on the programme:

“Singapore’s current regulatory framework facilitates the operation of UAS for commercial purposes through a progressive permit regime. For instance, permits need to be granted prior to any commercial UAS operation. Assessments for permit approval take into consideration public and aviation safety and security….However, there are two key challenges for commercial UAS applications in Singapore:

  • Limited airspace for UAS operations. Given the risks arising from operating UAS in proximity to manned aircraft, limited UAS operations can take place within 5km of any aerodromes. To accommodate more commercial UAS applications in Singapore, there is a need to develop new and innovative technologies to enable the innovative and wide-ranging use of UAS within the available airspace.
  • Urban environment. The risks posed by UAS operations to people and property include injury to persons and damage to property. Such risks are compounded in a densely populated urban environment. As such, most commercial UAS applications around the world are restricted for use in rural areas.”

“There is a need to develop new technologies and co-create new guidelines and rules that would enable the safe operation of large numbers of UAS in Singapore’s urban environment.

“The Ministry of Transport (MOT) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) aim to collaborate with the industry to leverage advances in UAS technology to further enable beneficial UAS use in Singapore’s urban environment, while ensuring aviation and public safety.”

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