US Senate to discuss space traffic management and orbital debris

The US Senate’s Subcommittee on Space and Science will convene a hearing “Space Situational Awareness, Space Traffic Management, and Orbital Debris: Examining Solutions for Emerging Threats” at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 22, 2021.

According to a Senate press release:

“Reliable space situational awareness (“SSA”) data and civil space traffic management (“STM”) services are critical to enabling continued growth of the innovative commercial space industry.  As the number of satellites in orbit rapidly increases, the nation must redouble its efforts to track and manage objects in space.  Witnesses will discuss the policies, programs, and research needed for effective civil SSA, STM, and orbital debris mitigation.”

Witnesses comprise:

* Karina Drees, President, Commercial Spaceflight Federation

* Kevin O’Connell, Founder and CEO, Space Economy Rising LLC

* Dr. Marcus Holzinger, H. Joseph Smead Faculty Fellow, Associate Professor, Ann & H. J. Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, University of Colorado Boulder

* Paul Graziani, Co-Founder, Analytical Graphics Inc., and Chief Executive Officer, COMSPOC Corp, Canonsburg, PA

* Tom Stroup, President, Satellite Industry Association

This hearing will take place in the Russell Senate Office Building 253.  A livestream of this hearing will be available at

(Image: Shutterstock/ Dotted Yeti)



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