Winners announced for UK drones transport research and innovation grants programme

Connected Places Catapult has announced six new research and innovation projects through the 2021 Drones Transport Research and Innovation Grants (TRIG: Drones) programme. The Transport Research and Innovation Grants (TRIG) Programme has been running for a number of years, but this is the first year that the Department for Transport (DfT) has invested in drone technology and solutions specifically.

The 2021 drones programme, delivered by Connected Places Catapult, is part of the existing DfT Drones Pathfinder Catalyst Programme which is looking to accelerate the delivery of near-to-market drone flight and air traffic management capabilities within the UK.

For this opportunity, the themes were: Onboard Detect and Avoid, Autonomy and Communications. Throughout the six-month programme the projects will undertake early-stage research and development studies examining how drones can be integrated into UK airspace. Each project will receive a tailored business support plan to ensure the projects delivered through this programme will help to position the UK as a country open to technological innovation including as a source of expertise on the use of drones in industry and the public sector.

The TRIG: Drones projects will achieve innovative work in several sectors, including solutions in green-energy asset inspection, self-healing mesh networks, greenhouse gases (GHG) tracking, remediation of broadband “not-spots” and aerospace collision avoidance. The successful projects that have secured up to £30k funding are:

Motion Robotics Ltd: VISIOPHONIC: An Audio and Visual Based Detect and Avoid System 

PilotAware: PilotAware Detect and Avoid

SKY TECH Ltd: DART (Detect and avoid Augmented Reality Testing) 

Snowdonia Aerospace LLP: Dragon’s Roar (“Rhuo Ddraig”) 

SurveyAR Ltd: Autonomous Swarm Atmospheric Assessment Platform [ASAAP] 

Rachel Maclean, Transport Minister said: “From how we move goods to tackling global issues and saving lives, drones have the potential to transform our transport future.

“Already at the forefront of aviation innovation, these projects will allow us to further harness the benefits drones have to offer and I’m excited to see how they could revolutionise how we detect aircraft, monitor emissions and even carry out emergency rescues in remote locations.”

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