SkyTrackplus will fly drones in unsegregated airspace between Mönchengladbach and Paderborn

In a Linkedin post DFS Aviation Services GmbH has given more details of the SkyTrackplus programme which aims to launch a series of drone flights in 2024 in manned and unmanned airspace areas between Mönchengladbach and Paderborn airports with a stopover in rural areas.

Around 30 participants from 16 aviation-related organizations are involved in the programme, which started in December 2022 and will be completed in 2024.

DAS is helping to define the operational concept for simultaneous flight operations of manned and unmanned air traffic, define the flight procedures and undertake ATC controller training. As part of its safety assessment work DAS is identifying threats and possible implications, developing safety measures to mitigate risks and ensuring the work is approved by the National Supervisory Authority.

Droniq is supporting the project with its UTM traffic management system to provide a combined live air situation picture from manned and unmanned aerial vehicles and working with DAS on the operational concept, including risk analysis (SORA and ConOps) and the procedures for air traffic control clearance.

The EUR 530,000 project is two-thirds funded by the Federak Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV).

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