SkySensus partners with LOOKNorth to trial RPAS traffic management services in Canada

Canadian research project SkySensus is partnering with LOOKNorth Centre of Excellence to conduct flight testing for Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) and Traffic Management (RTM) services. The trials aim to develop of safety guidelines to enable safe and efficient Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) and to deliver data to Transport Canada and NAV Canada.

Testing will include remote ID, flight preparation and planning, geo-fencing, situational awareness, and flight and conflict management. This project aims to assist with the development of operational safety guidelines which will enable safe and efficient BVLOS flights.

LOOKNorth is a C-CORE national Centre of Excellence for commercialization and research, established under Canada’s federal Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program and supported by a network of industry and academic partners.

SkySensus is a R&D project under Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada’s Industrial and Technological Benefits policy, funded and led by Peraton Canada for the research and development, and commercialization of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) technology in unmanned systems. The project objective is to develop advancements and innovation of unmanned systems operations, airworthiness standards and training. The project brings together Alberta-based small businesses; Canadian UAVs (Detect and Avoid Technology), AERIUM Analytics (Data Analytics and Automation), and Foremost UAS Range (Regulatory Compliance, Test and Evaluation).

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