Senegal approves BVLOS operations for Volansi’s point-to-point services countrywide

Autonomous Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) company Volansi reports approval for point-to-point Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) flights in Senegal. With this capability to fly BVLOS operations countrywide, Volansi is building sky lanes or aerial delivery routes, for its mining customers in West Africa. In the near future, Volansi plans to expand the network and become the first interconnected delivery drone network of sky lanes across the continent connecting mission points over rivers, bridges, and hills enabling reliable and quick deliveries via drone.

Currently, a typical delivery is done using a truck, van, or motorcycle. Depending on road conditions and traffic, the journey can take two and a half hours or more to complete. Volansi drone delivery services provide essential supply chain solutions, particularly in areas where logistics is challenging and can complete these same journeys in just 30 minutes. The company is delivering cargo on-call, at reduced times, improving uptime and cost savings for industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, and mining.

“We see this as a huge opportunity in Africa,” said Volansi CEO and Co-founder Hannan Parvizian. “We are going to revolutionize how people think about access and reach within the continent. Just as Africa skipped landline development and took a giant leap to cell phones, I believe that it will jump right into VTOL. It’s going to happen fast, and Volansi is geared up to build the first interconnected delivery drone network within the continent.”

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