Linking Drones launches “world-first off-the-shelf commercial delivery drone”

Linking Drones has created and patented what it describes as “the first commercial delivery drone, easy to use and accessible”.

“The legal scenarios for usage without authorization in Europe include either visual line of sight (VLOS) and away from people, which is the case of rural areas and rescue, crossing a lake, delivering to a boat, delivery in the mountains and valleys, for mountain refuges, etc,” said company CEO César Serrano.

The Linking ONE is a compact and light (3kg MTOW) drone that can carry 1kg at 10km distance, with the potential to scale to 5kg and 20km. The company has developed what it describes as an extremely user-friendly app that guides the user, without any previous knowledge required, to understand the how to operate the drone, including geo-fencing and a complete delivery mission with just a few clicks.

The development of the drone has been supported by the European Space Agency, acceleration in La Nave, Madrid Innovation, and a loan by ENISA (European funds) and founders’ capital. “We’re at an important phase seeking visibility for collaborations with organizations such as the Red Cross and attracting investor interest,” said César Serrano. “This will allow us to deliver on our target of democratizing airspace and empowering individuals with their own deliveries.”

“One can select a GPS coordinate from the map, or import it,” César Serrano. “It’s also possible to pre-program a route (one way, return or multi-point) and the drone will do it by just pressing a button in the drone. This is useful specially for flying in areas without 4G, or by people with 0 knowledge.”

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