German defence ministry purchases C-UAS SMASH sights for army rifles

According to German news source Soldat und Technik, the German Defence Ministry the Bundeswehr is procuring counter-UAS (C-UAS)  SMASH fire control sights for the G27P.

“The Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the German Armed Forces (BAAINBw) commissioned IEA MIL-OPTICS GmbH, a Baden-Württemberg-based specialist in night vision technology and special equipment for police and military special forces, to manufacture and supply “target assistance systems for the detection and kinetic defense against Class 1 UAS”. This emerges from a BAAINBw report published today on the European procurement platform TED. Class 1 UAS means unmanned aerial systems (drones) below the weight class of 150 kg.”

“According to well-informed circles, it is said to be the SMASH X4 fire control system, which was developed by the Israeli company Smart Shooter specifically for drone defense. IEA MIL-OPTICS GmbH only announced at the end of 2022 that the company had taken over the German sales for the product portfolio of the Israeli manufacturer Smart Shooter, S&T reported .”

For more information

Drohnenabwehr – Bundeswehr Beschafft SMASH-Feuerleitvisiere für G27P

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