Flying Forward 2020 releases second module in free UAM training programme

Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020) has released Module 2 of its free training programme Integrating a New Spatial Ecosystem: Steps Towards Urban Air Mobility. The latest module focuses on how to ease the implementation of the legal framework using machine learning and trains its audience on how to use machine learning to make laws machine readable.

Module 2: Machine Learning for Law was developed by consortium partners EuroUSC Italia, Universiteit Maastricth and Nalantis. It is the second module available to the public from the seven independent units that will be published this year, which can all be taken in an asynchronous environment.

Flying Forward 2020 (FF2020) is a collaborative three-year research and innovation project developing an entire state-of-the-art Urban Air Mobility (UAM) infrastructure by incorporating this new form of mobility within the geospatial digital infrastructure of cities.

The UAM infrastructure FF2020 is developing a governance model and framework; a regulatory framework; a geospatial digital infrastructure; a Digital Toolbox; an Identity of Things (IDoT) scheme; and an interoperability framework.

FF2020 aims to contribute to the scalability of UAM in a European setting. At this moment, it is not yet possible to easily set up, monitor, and arrange manned and unmanned flights above built and populated areas, as well as to adopt business models that integrate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operations in the cities. Therefore, cities, government organisations and operators cannot yet make a financial business case.

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