Dublin airport to deploy Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM Enterprise platform

Dublin Airport has selected Unified Traffic Management (UTM) company  Altitude Angel’ airspace management solution GuardianUTM Enterprise platform.

GuardianUTM Enterprise will provide the Irish Aviation Authority Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP), who provide Air Traffic Services (ATS) at Dublin Airport, with a combined view of the airspace in the vicinity of its FRZ (flight restricted zone), enabling ATS to enhance and provide UTM Services for drone companies and drone operators, using Altitude Angel’s digital authorisation and flight management technology.

The project received support from the UAAI (Unmanned Aircraft Association of Ireland) whose Chair, Julie Garland, said: “We are delighted to work with the IAA ANSP and Altitude Angel. We see this trial as the way forward and a stepping stone towards full digitisation of the processes around airspace permissions and applications enhancing the flexible use of airspace.”

Dublin Airport is the largest and busiest airport in Ireland and is the tenth largest airport in the European Union. In 2019, Dublin Airport flew to more than 190 destinations in 42 countries operated by almost 50 airlines.

On Dublin Airport being the latest airport to deploy GuardianUTM, Richard Ellis, Altitude Angel, Chief Business Officer, said: “We’re thrilled to be working with the Irish Aviation Authority at Dublin Airport. GuardianUTM Enterprise will allow the IAA ANSP and the airport to unlock the potential of drone operations within the FRZ in a safe and secure way – providing the tower with a single-source-point-of truth.

“The use of drones, whether to inspect airframes on stand, or conduct runway and infrastructure inspections, are increasingly being used because of the efficiencies in time, money and accuracy their use bring.  As our partnership with the IAA ANSP develops, we hope to be able to extend the use of GuardianUTM Enterprise to other airports around Ireland.”

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