Barcelona Drone Center and AirMap to cooperate on UTM and training

The Barcelona Drone Center and AirMap have announced the formation of a collaborative partnership to raise the profile of the emerging drone ecosystem in Spain while demonstrating how UTM technology is supporting safe and secure drone operations in the country.

The Barcelona Drone Center (BDC) “is one of only 10 test sites in the world for the development and testing of UAVs, offering an official drone center with segregated airspace allocated specifically for testing purposes,” according to a company press statement. “The partnership with AirMap will enable the BDC to provide UAS traffic management solutions for local airspace managers, as well as contextual airspace, flight planning, and real-time situational awareness to UAS operators connected to the AirMap UTM platform.”

.As part of the agreement, AirMap will provide access to its UTM Platform to the BDC and its partners to help ensure the safe, secure, and efficient integration of unmanned aircraft into Spanish airspace through the exchange of safety-critical information and services. AirMap and BDC will jointly establish an operational UTM test bed at the Center for its UAS operations and training activities..

As part of the partnership, AirMap will participate in the 10th edition of the Center’s Drone Remote Sensing Applications Training on 23–27 September 2019. AirMap will share the benefits and best practices of UTM for both airspace managers and drone operators.

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