Altitude Angel to provide geospatial data to new Dronecloud operator platform

UK UTM company Altitude Angel has today announced it is to become the geodata supplier to drone operations management platform Dronecloud. Altitude Angel’s GuardianUTM airspace management platform will be used to power Dronecloud with geospatial data for European and USA territories.

According to a company press release Altitude Angel replaces AirMap, which was used during the beta test phase, and will further supply Dronecloud as it rolls out the platform globally.

Dronecloud is a new cloud solution launching in June 2019. The platform unifies compliance workflows with real business tools required to run and grow a successful drone operation in one platform. The drone management platform has been developed from over five years managing complex International operations at leading drone service provider Future Aerial Innovations During this time Dronecloud has successfully been powering the core of Future Aerials business including subcontractors and networked teams globally. Dronecloud was launched as a standalone company in 2018 and has since been undergoing an extensive Beta program which included testers from 13 countries and a broad range of industry disciplines. The platform will be available commercially by subscription in June 2019.

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