Airspace Link “completes drone delivery trials in Detroit and adds USD23 million investment”

UTM and drone safety infrastructure company Airspace Link has published on its website two news reports. The first records that the company has completed a successful 10-day flight operation showcasing a real-world drone transport programme for moving critical medical items in southeast Michigan, and the second highlights new investment.

According to DB Business: “Using a Michigan Mobility Funding Grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corp.’s (MEDC) Office of Future Mobility and Electrification, Airspace Link brought together Baltimore drone operator MissionGO, Beaumont Health, and metro Detroit community leaders to execute Michigan’s first real-world package deliver operations via an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS). Airspace Link led the project, providing the digital infrastructure and data services required to enable the safe planning and execution of scalable drone delivery and logistics services in Michigan through their proprietary AirHub platform. The platform was used to perform the initial community assessments, including air and ground data analysis, to understand optimal routes and use cases to identify ideal partners as first movers on the network.”

A second story on the website, from Intelligence 360, reports that the company has raised over USD 23 million in new investment.

“According to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Airspace Link is raising $23,122,741.00 in new funding. Sources indicate as part of senior management President and Chief Executive Officer, Michael Healander played a key role in securing the recent investment and it will aid in aggressively expanding the company, as well as broaden and accelerate product development.”

For more information

Detroit Michigan based Airspace Link is raising $23,122,741.00 in New Equity Investment.

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