ACI World adds counter drone knowledge centre and AAM policy brief to support airport drone operations

Airports Council International (ACI) World has launched an online Counter Drones Knowledge Center supported by Vigilant Drone Defence which aims to arm airports with resources and information on the prevention of unauthorized drone and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) activities that would interfere with safe airport and air traffic operations.

The knowledge centre collects a wide range of publicly available guidance material, regulations, white papers, and policies on the topic of drone risk mitigation from around the world. It provides airports and the public with a global one-stop-shop reference base of information.

The knowledge centre collects a wide range of publicly available guidance material, regulations, white papers, and policies on the topic of drone risk mitigation from around the world. It provides airports and the public with a global “one stop shop” reference base of information.

“As these advanced mobility technologies continue to rapidly evolve, we are laying the groundwork for their safe and seamless integration into the airport operations now,” said Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General of ACI World. “With these two resources, we are ensuring that airports are actively engaged in and part of these innovative modes of transportation while mitigating threats of unauthorized activities. While advanced air mobility concepts present exciting opportunities for low—or zero—emission operations, smarter use of urban infrastructure, and potential reduction in urban congestion, they equally create a number of new challenges that the aviation industry will have to manage.

“Airports can harness the new opportunities brought about by AAM and integrate this into their operating and business models, bringing added value to local communities, businesses as well as facilitating the societal transformation towards sustainability which these types of innovations will bring.

“However, this must be done with the safety and security of airport operations and customers we serve as the priority. This is why the Counter Drones Knowledge Centre has been launched to be a key resource for airports to prevent unauthorized activities and ensure safe and secure operations.”

Advanced Air Mobility

ACI World has also launched its first policy brief on advanced air mobility (AAM), advocating for a seamless integration of these new entrants into airports, alongside a knowledge centre on drone risk mitigation to promote safe and secure operations at airports.

The Policy Brief – Advanced Air Mobility: Integration into the Airport Environment – sets forth ACI’s positions and key policy statements on the integration of AAM into the airport environment. This is timely as the growth in development of electric and hybrid aircraft for urban, suburban, and rural operations for passengers and cargo is rapidly advancing. The concept of AAM includes electric-powered Vertical Take-off and Landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which could be piloted, piloted remotely, or can even operate autonomously in the future.

The exponential growth of AAM and the opportunities and challenges that this rapidly expanding segment of air activity will bring means that airport operators have to consider the potential impacts these new operations will have on the airport system in the coming years.

Expected market and regulatory developments are covered in the policy brief as well as considerations for airport operators and policy makers in the areas of safety and security, master planning, sustainability and public acceptance, revenue generation, unmanned traffic management, cargo operations, and customer experience.

Access the Counter Drones Knowledge Centre web page.

Access the Advanced Air Mobility: Integration into the Airport Environment Policy Brief.

(Image: Shutterstock)

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