Kenyan Parliament ratifies new charging structure to own and operate drones

The Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) has received the go-ahead to implement a new charging structure to own and operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) from Parliament. The approval of the Civil Aviation (Regulatory Fees and Charges for UAS) Regulations 2020 paves the way for full implementation of UAS regulatory framework in Kenya, says a KCAA press release.

These charges are a reduction from the revoked rates under the Kenya Civil Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2017. Under the new cost structure, Kenyans and entities wishing to own and operate UAS will now pay a KD3,000 (USD27.00) registration fee.

Individuals or entities that have already imported drones are encouraged to apply to the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority for registration and approval to lawfully engage in safe and secure drone operations of all types which could include precision agriculture, wildlife management, inspection of power grid, building, dams, solar inspection, research, crop spraying and data collection, forest management, road traffic monitoring and surveillance and aerial mapping.

The Civil Aviation (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2020 categorises drones based on the risks posed by their operations, from low risks to high risks under categories, A, B and C. The purpose of the UAS, and risk to public safety and security form the basis for consideration by the Authority in registering, issuing of approvals and authorizations for operations.

The proposed charges had been gazetted by the cabinet secretary, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works, James W. Macharia, EGH under legal notice No. 4 of 2021 on 22 January 2021.

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority Director General, Capt. Gilbert Kibe, said the gazettement of the Regulations heralded a new era in the country’s aviation ecosystem by opening up the sector to innovations. “Innovation in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) has been accelerating at such an exponential rate. The capabilities of this technology are limitless – from the positives such as filming movies, documentaries, sports, weddings and delivering medicines.”

(1,000 Kenyan shillings = USD 9.10 (22 March 2021)


Issuance of Import Permit                                                           3,000

Registration                                                                                     3,000

Certificate of Deregistration or Cancellation                              2,000

Reservation of special Registration Marks Series                       10,000

Copy of the UAS Register                                                            3,000

Change of ownership                                                                  2,500

Amendment of a certificate of registration                                2,000

Issuance of temporary permit                                                     20,000


  1. Airworthiness

Issue of Certificate of Airworthiness                                           5,000


  1. Remote Air Operator Certificate (ROC)

Initial issue                                                                                   80,000

Renewal of ROC                                                                           50,000

Amendments of ROC                                                                   5,000

Addition of UAS to the ROC.                                                        2,000

Inclusion of new UAS Type                                                          10,000

Approval of manuals.                                                                  5,000


  1. Training organisation

Training organization approval                                                   80,000

Renewal of ATOs certificate                                                        50,000

Modification/Amendment of Approval                                      5,000



Initial issue                                                                                   80,000

Renewal                                                                                       50,000

Modification/Amendment of Approval                                      5,000



Operation authorizations Category A

Category B & C                                                                            2,000/2,500

Overflight permit                                                                         10,000




Issue of SRPL                                                                                2,000

Issue of RPL                                                                                  4,000

Beyond Visual Line of Sight (B-VLOS) Rating                              2,000

Extended Visual Line of Sight (E-VLOS) Rating                            2,000

RPA Observer Certificate                                                             2,000

RPA Certificate (for class A operations)                                      2,000

Renewal of RPL                                                                            2,000

Instructor rating for RPL                                                              3,000

Radio telephone exam                                                                2,000

Reissuing of duplicate RPL                                                          10,000

Validation of RPL                                                                         5,000

Examinations SRPL                                                                      4,000

Examinations RPL                                                                        4,000

Examinations Repeat (partial pass)                                             2,000

Validation of ICAO Contracting States Licenses

SRPL                                                                                             2,000

Validation of ICAO Contracting States Licenses

RPL                                                                                               4,000



Issue/Reissue/Amendment of a letter of approval/no objection etc 4,000




Details of the new charging structure can be obtained from:

For more information visit:

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