EASA publishes updated Easy Access Rules for unmanned aircraft systems

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published a new revision of the Easy Access Rules for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (EAR for UAS). This Revision from September 2022 incorporates:

  • the extended transition dates for using certain UAS in the ‘open’ category and the new dates of application for some standard scenarios, as introduced by Regulation (EU) 2022/425; and
  • the new and revised acceptable means of compliance and guidance material (AMC & GM) on ‘geographical zones’, various forms and procedures, standard scenarios, training modules, and a new predefined risk assessment, as issued by ED Decision 2022/002/R.

The EAR for UAS are displayed as pdf in a consolidated, easy-to-read publication with advanced navigation features through links and bookmarks, and are also available as online dynamic publications with filters and search functions, as well as in xml format with machine-readable content.

As they are generated through the eRules platform, they will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to their content.

EASA requests any feedback and comments via the Easy Access Rules area on the EASA contact us form.

For more information visit:


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