Dublin City launches its Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy 2024-2029

Dublin City has launched its Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy 2024 – 2029,  an  initiative aiming to transform how the city uses drone technology to enhance public services. Dublin City Council Smart City programme led the development of the Drone Strategy to support the Council in future-proofing how new and emerging technologies are applied.

Drones are utilised across a range of city services helping to increase service efficiencies, reduce costs, and streamline operations. Areas where drones are used within DCC include mapping, dangerous building inspections, or emergency response. They are also being used to access to hard-to-reach areas for surveys and environmental monitoring, providing better oversight and management of urban spaces.

According to Eileen Quinlivan, Assistant Chief Executive and Chair of the DCC Drones High-Level Steering Group of Dublin City Council, speaking from the launch at the DCC innovation hub:

“This strategy marks a significant milestone for Dublin City Council. By embracing drone technology, we are not only enhancing our service delivery but also paving the way for a smarter, more sustainable city. Drones will revolutionise how we approach various tasks, from emergency response and infrastructure inspections to environmental monitoring and urban planning. The benefits for our staff and citizens are immense, and we are committed to ensuring that Dublin remains at the forefront of this urban innovation.”

Dublin City Council will soon establish a new dedicated Drone Unit. This will centralise drone operations and support internal departments to accelerate the adoption of this technology. This unit will build on existing capabilities and resources and maximise efficiencies across the Council. The unit will also play a role in supporting innovation in the drone industry by helping develop new services that benefit citizens and communities as the commercial sector grows.

Jim Gaven, Chief Operations Officer of the Irish Aviation Authority, expressed his support of the Strategy:

“The Irish Aviation Authority is very supportive of public sector bodies developing drone strategies. We are delighted to support this initiative by Dublin City Council to develop their drone strategy where they will drive innovation and development in the drone sector.  By harnessing the potential of drones, Dublin City Council is taking proactive steps to enhance public safety, improve efficiency, and foster economic growth. We believe that this initiative will pave the way for advancements in urban air mobility, benefiting both the public and the broader aviation industry.

The background to the Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy for Dublin City Council was laid in 2021-2022 with the “Accelerating the Potential of Drones for Local Government” project. This involved the publication of the “International best and emerging practice report”, which identified how drones could provide better services for local government and helped to understand what role local government could play in shaping the future of drones.

This project won a prestigious World Smart City award in 2022 in the category of Emerging Technology and Governance.

The development of the Drone and Urban Air Mobility Strategy for Dublin City Council has been led through the Smart City programme which supports the council in future-proofing how new and emerging technologies are applied. By fostering a vibrant drone technology ecosystem, Dublin has the potential to attract new businesses and drive economic growth, positioning itself as a leader in this emerging sector.

This strategy was developed through extensive consultation with internal and external stakeholders, ensuring that it aligns with Dublin’s unique needs and leverages the latest advancements in drone technology. The strategy also supports compliance with evolving European Union regulations and emphasizes public trust, safety, and privacy.

For more information

Drone Strategy for Dublin City Council

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