Colombian Defence Ministry seeks C-UAS systems for counter guerilla/air defence

UAS Vision reports that the Colombian Ministry of Defense has considered allocating USD 2 million for procurements of Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-sUAS) that have time and location detection, track the journey, block video recording and, restrict entrance to denied areas.

According to text of a request for information published by the US International Trade Administration:

“Guerrilla groups and other nefarious actors are reported to be making drones to support their operations. The Colombian Ministry of Defense has denounced the use of drones by these organizations that violate Colombia´s national sovereignty. They have also prioritized countering the threat of UAVs flying over government institutions such as the headquarters of the Colombian Armed Forces.

“The Ministry has announced the following requirements for its procurement of C-sUAS: non-interference systems with the capability to detect nearby drones including homemade drones. The system should also be passive and not kinetic in its attack, water resistant, interoperable with local laptops and tablets, and encrypted.

“Another opportunity for C-sUAS can be found in protecting Colombia’s airspace. The Civil Aviation Authority of Colombia is currently evaluating the purchase of USD 1 to 2 million in C-sUAS to secure Colombia’s public and private airspace. Their objective is to maintain order and control of Colombia’s airspace and prevent intrusions from unauthorized drones.

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