US military “is the first customer for Numerica’s Spyglass™ 3D Radar” – Liteye

Liteye Systems, based in Denver Colorado, has announced that the US Army will be the first customer to field the Spyglass™ 3D Radar as part of a multi-mission/multi-domain defence solution.  The Spyglass™ 3D Radar is designed and manufactured by Numerica Corporation, based in Ft Collins Colorado. Liteye announced that production orders are now being accepted and delivery will begin the second quarter of 2022 with the US military taking priority deliveries.

According to a company press release, Spyglass™ is designed to detect ground threats and track small, autonomous, UAS beyond three and a half kilometers with precise measurements to support a range of mitigation techniques. Spyglass™ has been built with embedded C2 and AI software to enable broad-area autonomous sensor networks and seamless integration into layered defence systems.

For more information

Liteye Announces First Spyglass™ 3-D Radar Customer and Full Production

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