Sweden orders Saab MSHORAD solution under SEK 300 million order, delivery 2024-2026

The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) has placed an order with Saab for the company’s Mobile Short-Range Air Defence (MSHORAD) solution. Valued at approx. SEK 300 million (USD 29 million), the order calls for deliveries in 2024-2026.

The Saab MSHORAD is a vehicle-integrated solution that can identify, counter and neutralise air threats, including UAVs and armoured helicopters, quickly and effectively. It consists of a mobile radar unit based on the Giraffe 1X radar, and a mobile firing unit based on the RBS 70 NG surface-to-air missile, all connected with Saab’s ground-based air defence command and control solution, GBAD C2.

FMV and the Swedish Armed Forces will use the acquired solution for two configurations, both integrated on the BvS10 armoured vehicle, to further define Sweden’s future mobile air defence requirements.

For more information: www.saab.com

(Image: The MSHORAD systems comprises vehicle-mounted Giraffe-1X radar and a multiple RBS 70 NG launcher. Credit: Saab)

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