Serbia “receives Repellent C-UAS systems and other combat assets from Russia, despite international sanctions”

Aleksandar Vučić, President of Serbia, has announced receipt of the Russian anti-drone systems known as Repellent, as well as a significant quantity of other military systems, according to AP.

Serbia stands alone in Europe, having refused to join EU sanctions against Russia after the invasion of Ukraine and remaining the only European power continuing to sign cooperation agreements with Moscow. The AP report suggests that the equipment, including the ground-based Repellent EW system, may have been in-country for several months, alongside combat vehicles, UAS, infantry weapons and equipment for internal security agencies. Serbia has apparently been informed that membership of the EU will be dependent on issues such as adherence to sanctions.

Although the nation remains heavily dependent on Russia and China for military equipment, there are signs that the government is seeking to boost Serbia’s self-reliance. “We are now investing EUR300 million in the products of domestic industry that enter our army. Only in domestic industry and products,” said Vučić. He highlighted the Tamnava multiple rocket launcher, which he expects to be in Serbian Army service before the end of this year, and the Nora B52 155mm self-propelled artillery system as examples of domestically-manufactured products.

The Repellent EW system, mounted on a MAZ truck chassis, completed developed in 2016 and has reported capabilities for detection and tracking of small UAS targets at ranges of 30-35km, although its ability to suppress drone signals appears to be limited to ranges of little more than two kilometres. Criticism of the system includes comments from Armenian government that “it simply does not work” against Turkish and Israeli drones. On the other hand, “It is not as strong as Krasuha, but it is excellent,” said Vučić.

For more information: Serbia acquires another batch of Russian weapons despite international sanctions, AP (

(Image: Opinions vary as to the efficacy of the 20-ton truck-mounted Repellent system, at least one of which has been destroyed in Ukraine. Credit: Rosoboronexport)

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