Russian tank units in Ukraine take delivery of new counter-drone EW systems

Russian tank units – which have been taking a notable beating at the hands of Ukrainian forces in recent weeks – have started receiving a new EW system, dubbed Volnorez, which aims to protect the vehicles from drone attacks. The Volnorez (‘Breakwater’) was first seen in public last year, as reported earlier this year by Unmanned Airspace.

The claim, supported by photographs, has surfaced on Russian social media recently. Russian sources claim that the system, operating between 900-2,000MHz, establishes a 360° protective shield around the parent vehicle and disrupts drone signals at ranges to 600 metres. An apparent option for remote control adds a layer of flexibility to the operator’s capacity to counter drone threats.

For more information: «Может эффективно подавлять беспилотники»: в западной прессе оценили установку на российские танки постановщика помех «Волнорез» (

(Image: A Volnorez system installed on an unidentified Russian tank in Ukraine. Credit: Russian social media)

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