Raytheon uses Liteye’s US Anti Defense System to target and cue Phaser technology

Raytheon Missiles and Defense is using Liteye’s US Anti Defense System (AUDS) system to visually identify, target and cue its Phaser High Powered Microwave system to an intended target. Phaser is designed to damage UAS before it damages critical infrastructure or personnel. “We were pleased to be a chosen supplier to Raytheon Missiles & Defense and look forward to providing them the additional layers needed to be effective against all types of small UAS,” said Ken Geyer, CEO of Liteye Systems.

Liteye has developed a layered strategy in collaboration with Colorado-based Numerica to detect, track, identify and defeat malicious threats. Portions of this layered approach have been used to push critical information through higher-level networks to improve situational awareness and purpose-linked directly to other weapon systems to cue them on to a target.

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