EUROCAE C-UAS working group sets time-line for deliverables and agrees to harmonise publications with RTCA

The first meeting of the newly-formed EUROCAE Counter UAS Working Group 115 discussed the work programme ahead at first meeting in December 2019. Among deliverables, the WG agreed the following:

  • An Operational Services and Environment Definition (OSED) for counter-UAS in controlled airspace, to be published by September 2020
  • System performance requirements for non-cooperative UAS detection systems, expected by June 2021
  • Interoperability requirements for counter-UAS systems, available also by June 2021.

A special announcement was made by US standards agency RTCA during the meeting, with its recent decision to create a new committee (SC-238) on C-UAS, that will be operated as JOINT with WG-115. Both groups will produce harmonised documents that are technically identical.

The meeting was attended by 44 experts from 36 organisations including representatives from the European Commission, EASA and Eurocontrol. Participation is also planned by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the European Defence Agency (EDA).

A series of WebEx meetings are due to start towards the end of January 2020.

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