EU launches continent-wide EUR15 million C-UAS capability development programme

The European Commission has launched the JEY-CUAS – “Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems” programme,  involving 14 countries and 38 entities to pave the way for the development of a joint European Counter Unmanned Air Systems capability.

The value of the programme is EUR 15,003,473 with the EU providing a maximum contribution of EUR 13,500,000.00.

According to the Commission:

“JEY-CUAS will advance technologies at system and sub-system level to develop a new generation C-UAS system based on a modular and flexible plug’n’play architecture to address the emerging challenge of micro and mini drones increasingly used for defence purposes. The solution will contribute to an improvement of the situational awareness and reaction engagement to overcome the growing resilience of UASs to first generation C-UAS systems keep up with new LSS (Low, Small, Slow) aerial threats and reduce the minimum reaction time. Related PESCO project: Counter Unmanned Aerial System (C‐UAS).

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