Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland to develop common air defence concept

The air force commanders of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland have recently signed a letter to develop a joint Nordic air defence concept of operations.

The “Nordic Air Commanders’ Intent” letter was signed at the US Air Force Ramstein base earlier this month.

According to the text of the letter:

“The Nordic political and military strategic level have provided guidance to gain momentum for the ongoing military integration process and Nordic defence cooperation. The integration and defence cooperation will be founded on NATO’s concepts and should strengthen the trans-Atlantic bonds. From an air-centric perspective, this intent shall support the Nordic political and military strategic vision. The Nordic Air Commanders’ intent aims to develop the Nordic air forces to operate seamlessly together as one force in the Nordic region. To reach that aim, this intent directs the development of a Nordic Warfighting Concept for Joint Air Operations, pursuing four lines of effort:

1. Integrated Air C2, Air Operations Planning and Execution

2. Flexible and Resilient Air Basing

3. Shared Air Situational Awareness

4. Common Air Education, Training & Exercises

“The concept shall be developed utilizing NATO methodology and compromises the major delivery of the currently ongoing work to bolster all the existing efforts within the Nordic Air cooperation. In the medium term, efforts shall revolve around preparing for, conducting, and assessing Nordic Response 24 from an air perspective, putting emphasis on the Nordic digital and semi-distributed AOC development steps. On the horizon, long term permanent solutions to fulfil this intent’s aim shall be determined and established.”

For more information

Nordic Air Commanders Intent

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