Counter drone software from Numerica provides layered protection

Commercial software developed by US company Numerica Corporation is helping to create a layered Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) capability using autonomous sensor fusion and precise target tracking technology.

According to a company press release, the MIMIR software suite enables users to operate multiple sensors and defeat technologies through an integrated user interface, enabling a faster and more effective response to threats.

Over the last two years, Numerica and Liteye Systems, Inc. have leveraged MIMIR to demonstrate the rapid integration of many new sensors and defenses into Liteye’s Counter UAS Defense Solutions to offer an advanced layered C-UAS capability. Integrations have included high power microwave and 30 mm air burst kinetic defeat systems, signal detection and classification sensors, and incorporation with external C2 such as the US Army’s FAAD-C2.

MIMIR has been integrated into all of Liteye’s commercial C-UAS offerings and is the software driving Liteye’s Containerized Anti-UAS Defeat System (C-AUDS), which are deployed worldwide in support of urgent C-UAS requirements.

As emerging requirements arise for C-UAS solutions, Numerica is continuing to integrate new technologies into the MIMIR suite with a current focus on distributed system-of-systems capabilities and increased autonomy.

“We are happy to finally put a name on a capability we’ve been developing and deploying for some time now,” Nate Knight, Vice President of Air and Missile Defense at Numerica, said. “Pairing our data fusion and tracking technology with a focused visual interface allows our users to go beyond simply connecting to multiple devices to instead achieve a deep integration of sensors and defeat capabilities as the situation demands.”

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